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Bird Poop Eats Through Roof

September 8, 2016

Pigeons often build their nests near drains and inside of gutters which can lead to bird poop eating through the roof without proper maintenance. One pigeon can produce up to 25 lbs. of poop a year and will nest inside of their own feces. Pigeon feces left to accumulate can destroy and/or weaken any structure including concrete and steel due to the high concentration of acidic properties within their waste. Without regular cleaning the pigeon droppings will accumulate over time clogging drains and adding weight to roofs, canopies, and other structures. When water is added through precipitation the problem can cause roofs and gas station canopies to collapse. Read about one instance in northern California here.

In severe cases where a building has been overrun by a flock of pigeons we always recommend pigeon abatement by removing pigeons with a trapping program first. Pigeon trapping is the most effective way of pigeon removal and keeping the pigeon population under control. After we get rid of pigeons that are roosting or nesting we will pressure wash and disinfect the areas making them safe for its occupants. The last step is to install steel screening, pigeon netting, or stainless steel bird spikes to prevent future pigeon nesting or roosting on the structure.

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